The Future We Want: Drop by Drop
Drop by Drop is an initiative of the UN Regional Information Centre (UNRIC), in partnership with the UN Environment Programme (UNEP), the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, and with the support of the Nordic Council of Ministers.
The purpose is to create a print advertisement that inspires others to preserve water, now and for future generations. The competition calls on professionals and non-professionals in 48 European countries to design a newspaper advertisement, using the competition logo, which inspires the European public in a positive way.
The winners will have their work displayed on the competition website with possibilities of exhibits and placement in European print media. A jury of graphic design, advertising, photography and environmental experts will select a winner.
Part of the UN's global campaign
The European ad competition is part of The Future We Want, the UN's global campaign leading up to the Rio+20 Conference in June 2012. This global conference could change the way we think about our world in terms of economic, social and environmental matters, and that's why the UN is engaging all citizens to put forward their ideas. Initiatives and competitions like this one from all corners of the globe that will form part of a global conversation about The Future We Want.